Obra de @alexandertadlock The idea that the world is intrinsically meaningful, full of an enchantment that it needs no religious doctrine to perceive, answered to a deep emotional need; Beauty was not planted in the world by God but discovered there by people. We simply need to look at things with clear eyes and free emotions.
The encounter with beauty is so vivid, so immediate, so personal but it seems hard to belong to the ordinary world yet beauty shines on us from ordinary things. Is it a feature of the world or a figment of our imagination? The masters of the past recognized that we have spiritual needs as well as animal appetites. For Plato beauty was a path to God while thinkers of the Enlightenment saw art and beauty as ways in which we save ourselves from meaningless routines and rise to a higher level. I truly believe that through the pursuit of beauty we shape the world as a home and in doing so we both amplify our joys and find consolation for our sorrows. Art and music shine a light of meaning on ordinary life and through them, we are able to confront the things that trouble us and to find consolation and peace in their presence. Support the Arts. Peace to all.🇲🇽⚔️️🇲🇽De las notas del maestro:”Sólo a los hombres más auténticos les está permitida la belleza; sólo en ellos la bondad no es una muestra de debilidad… La indignación, al igual que el pesimismo, constituye una prerrogativa de los mediocres -un ojo que vuelve feo todo lo que mira -…El instinto de los existencialistas, ese instinto que dice sí a la vida, reafirma: “El mundo es perfecto; en su perfección están contenidos la imperfección…”. Al ser los de espíritu más fuerte, encuentran su felicidad donde otros no podrían construir más que su ruina: en el laberinto, en la severidad consigo mismos y con los demás, en el vivir de culpas y arrepentimientos. En cambio, en los locos; la soledad se convierte en algo natural, necesario e instintivo… El conocimiento es, para ellos, una forma de ascetismo…”Friedrich Nietzsche, “El Anticristo”. #tadlock #disruptedrealism #streetart #streetartmexico #streetartchiapas #muralismo #streetartworldwide