repost de @liqen – "Within a "byte" the world of dawn and darkness coexist at the same time; While these intelligent machines are dedicated to sequestering seeds, metamorphosis takes shape in the darkness; from the caterpillar to the woman, and this in itself is the dawn, our sun; a new rebirth.," Front view and others of the complete wall «El despertar». Continue and see more in //liqen.org/Acrilic on wall, Calpulalpan 62, Zona Centro, Guadalajara, Jal. Thanks to Patronato y govierno de Guadalajara,a @weren ,a @_caligari_ a @arre.vrs @villacalavera y a @patronatodeguadalajaraSometimes we wonder if it makes sense to publish something so deep and complicated in something as simple and empty as the networks are, but my manager would kill me if he did not.In a world of images without real content we continue giving respect to creation and magic.#gdl #mexico #liquidmemory #wall #start #mural #muralart #newmythology #enigma #mitofantaxy #liqen #metamorphosis #realismomagico #fiction #futureispast #daily #dailysurrealism #hallucinations #beauty #moon #sun #eclipse #detail #awakening #eldespertarliqen #eldespertar