repost de @amorbuenosaires – #64TonosDeBuenosAires#SerieHerenciaDeBuenosAires#CorrientesyCallao #BuenosAires #Argentina #2018•For three months I conversed with a lot of people about a question that obsessed me: what is the song that represents Buenos Aires? With the answers I got, I started to compile songs on a YouTube list.One day, while walking in the city center, I became aware that I was not finding the song. My search was running out. Until a friend told me that I had to think beyond music, focusing my attention on the sounds of the city.“64 tones of Buenos Aires" presents a vertical piano stretching 31 m high at the intersection of Corrientes and Callao avenues, a key nerve center of the city, politically, culturally and economically. The work offers a spectrum of 64 tones that could refer to a piece of blue sky, the red of the B subway line, the yellow of a taxi, the green of a handkerchief, the white of the Obelisk, the grey of the asphalt, the orange of a school bus, the claret of a brick, the black of a roof tile, the green of a newspaper stand, the colors of a bus, the banners of a demonstration, the greys of the architecture, and resting upon it, the reflections of the Sun. These tones and many more are found in the daily context of this corner. I think they can be heard as well.I didn't find the Buenos Aires' song. I found a city directing an orchestra.•Thank you to Antonin Hako, Rodrigo Rodriguez, Orco Videos, Juan Ignacio Zevallos, Cristian Piedrahita, Leonardo Tellechea, Aerovisuales, Patricia Volonino, Eva Ciallela, Natali Aboud, my family and friends involved.Thank you to Buenos Aires.For me it is important to note that this work was born from the hand of self-management. I feel a great emotion, a privilege and a big joy to have the opportunity to work with friends in such a symbolic space of the city.Cheers!PS: up there, near the sky, in the first tone of blue, embedded in a crack, there is a paper that contains a written poem. What does this poem say?I invite you to write and share your text to hola@jorgepomar.com.ar and then to read at www.64tonosdebuenosaires.com.ar (link in bio)#jorgepomar #amorbuenosaires